Is Keto//OS worth the money?

Is Keto//OS worth the money?Is Keto//OS worth the money?

Is Keto//OS worth the money?  That’s the question I’m going to answer for myself and I’m taking you along for the ride with me.  Keto//OS is a supplemental ketone product and the flagship product of a network marketing company called Pruvit.  If you’re just tuning in, I’d highly suggest playing a little catch-up and read this post first:

Supplemental Ketones: beta-hydroxybutyrate is it worth it?

I am going to try this Keto//OS for 30 days. Today’s date, for the record is March 20th, 2016.

Here are my existing stats that were taken this morning at 9 am.  We’ll check back on these once a week.  I took 4 different measurements to be certain and for accuracy.  Listing the averages below:

Is Keto//OS worth the money?Scale Weight in pounds:  174.2

Body Fat %  10.975

Skin Pinch at belly button: 22mm

I will not make any real changes to my diet or exercise routine, which I’ll detail out for you here.

DIET:  My morning consists of some sort of buttered coffee with MCT oil about a tablespoon of each.  I’m basically following a modified Warrior Diet with a lean on Ketogenic.  Meaning, I’m mostly snacking lightly during the day and eat my main meal at night.  Not much on the calorie counting but do pay attention to my macros, especially protein.  I make sure I’m getting around 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.  So my target protein is about 155 grams.  The rest comes from fat and veggies.  Any sugar or carbohydrates I have comes from either the veggies, nuts, seeds or some dairy.  I have whole fat greek yogurt as a snack.  Usual a tablespoon here and there.  I also fire up the Nutri bullet several times a week with a concoction of celery, cucumber, spinach, lemon, ginger and parsley.  Dinner looks like a big salad, a protein portion and cooked veggies.  No starch, wheat, or fruit.  There will come a time in the summer where I will snack on greek yogurt with frozen berries mixed in and in the fall I will have apples and peanut butter or cheese.  But right now, no thank you.

WHEN WILL I TAKE MY KETO//OS?  I will take it in the morning as a pre-workout supplement.  I will save the buttered full-fat coffee for later in the day and just have my morning coffee with a tablespoon of heavy cream.  I’m going with the decaff Keto//OS by the way.

EXERCISE:  I have three workouts I do in rotation right now.  Typically these happen around 7 am.  If I have time and energy in the evening, I may jog a couple miles as a way to clear my head from the day’s events.

Day One:  

  • Jump rope for 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of stretching
  • Pistol Squats and Weighted Pull Ups 2 sets of 5 each
  • Turkish Get Ups 5 consecutive reps per side
  • Kettlebell Swings on the minute 12 rounds
  • Flutter Kicks superset with Shoulder Bridge 30:15 x 8

Day Two:

  • Jumping Jacks for 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of stretching
  • Pistol Squats and Weighted Pull Ups 2 sets of 5 each
  • Burpees for time 12 minutes descending sets 20/18/16/14/12….
  • Vacuum Sit Ups 2 minutes

Day Three:

  • Stair running with 20 pushups at the top.  As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes.  First round goes easy as a warm up.
  • Janda Sit Ups superset with leg raises 30:15 x 8

I’m going to stay with this routine for the next 30 days.  I’m chasing targets in the Get Up, Swing and Burpee.

Keto//OS has the following claims:

  • Fast and sustained energy
  • Reduces brain fog
  • Increased awareness
  • Increased focus
  • Appetite suppression
  • Assists in abdominal fat loss
  • Strength gain
  • Better mood
  • Decrease in inflammation
  • Better sleep
  • Better digestion and gut health
  • Clear skin
  • Fat loss

So here’s what we’ll be looking at weekly to answer the “Is Keto//OS worth the money?” question:

  • How is my scale weight and body fat percentage changing?
  • Is my belly fat reducing?
  • Am I progressing better or more efficiently towards my fitness goals?
  • Am I getting stronger in my lifts faster?
  • How’s my appetite?
  • Am I more focused and less foggy at work?
  • Am I sleeping deeper and better?
  • Am I happier?  How’s the mood?

So if you care to follow along, you’re most welcome to join me on this journey.  If you have a question, leave a comment below or hit me up on Twitter @DavidRBradley.  We’ll see you next Sunday…


3 thoughts on “Is Keto//OS worth the money?”

  1. so where are your results?
    you did all this nearly 4 years ago (today is March 9th, 2020)

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. YES, I still take it. It is my go to “pre-workout” especially for longer endurance activities. Additionally, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting off on on for for the last 10 years or so and I will use it as part of a fast for energy and muscle preservation. Still a great product. I’ve experimented with other ketone supplements and nothing compares to Pruvit. My only “complaint” is I really liked the original formula with BHB and MCT in one serving. Tichayn, why are you considering it and what are your goals with taking Keto//OS?

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