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Rich Man’s Gym

Strength and conditioning for body, mind and spirit:  TRAIN ANYWHERE

cropped-outdoor-action-pull-up-tree-beach-201020111.jpgTired of cookie cutter fitness centers of the modern age I embraced and embarked on a quest to have a lean and strong physique without having to rely on “going to the gym” and instead train for strength of body, mind and spirit in the great outdoors. You’re welcome to join me on this journey where you will find tips, guides, stories and methods to create the you, you’ve always wanted without having to “go to the gym.”

I have long been fascinated with Old Time Strong Men and how they trained.  Ancient strength training methods from one old soul to another.  If you’d prefer to exercise in the Victorian Era or study the strength training methods of a Spartan Warrior or Roman Centurion you’re in the right place.  If there’s a Warrior in you waiting to be sculpted, stick around.  Rich Man’s Gym is your anytime, any place, anywhere center for strength and conditioning body, mind and spirit.

Bottom Line here:  Rich Man’s Gym is about you.

You getting in your best shape and becoming the best you can be with what you have.  It’s about living at your highest potential physically, mentally and emotionally.  The question is simple:  Is there more in me?  Is there more in you?  Are you better than that?  “That” can be many things.  What is your “that?”  Rich Man’s Gym is where you can bring out the better you.  Melting, peeling and sculpting away the layers that cover up who you really are on the inside.  We’re taking an outside-in approach which in reality and ironically, will wind up being an inside-out approach.

You don’t need to look like a supermodel to join Rich Man’s Gym and that certainly doesn’t need to be your target either.  Wayne Dyer said, “I feel good not because my world is right, rather my world is right because I feel good.”  Let’s get you in your best shape.  And frankly, the image-conscious over hyped typical gym experience will not serve you.  Besides, your spirit is too massive to be indoors, the air is too heavy, the floor too firm.  You must venture out into the open air and sunshine, the cool nights and the moonlight.  Let the spirit take flight.  It’s you versus you.  Period.