The Top 7 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks (According To Bill Harris)

The Top 7 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks (According To Bill Harris)

The Top 7 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks (According To Bill Harris)

Who’s Bill Harris?  Bill Harris is the founder of Centerpointe Research Institute.  I have been utilizing their Holosync meditation technology for years and it was an integral part of my sobriety journey.  Their meditation programs have been great for my breathing practice, curbing anxiety, processing grief and focus.  If you’re like to see how you can get yourself into a deep meditative state super fast and start some deep healing check out for more on that but in the mean time, let’s talk about these 7 reasons why your life sucks.

I got an email from Centerpointe with this list.  I love this title, don’t you?  So I thought I’d be cool to run down the list with you and throw my two-cents on it as well.  Here’s the list, we’ll start there and then I’ll break it down.

Top 7 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks

  1. Pretending you don’t have control.
  2. You chronically (and unconsciously) focus on what you don’t want.
  3. You believe what your parents taught you about who you have to be in order to be “okay.”
  4. You aren’t willing to examine your beliefs and premises—about the world, life, other people, or yourself 
  5. Fearing failure, you don’t act. 
  6. You’re focused on yourself and unaware of the needs—or the perspective—of other people. 
  7. You’re waiting for everything to be okay before you can be happy.

EXERCISE ONE Before breaking these reasons why your life sucks down and going a little deeper, which one do you already recognize as an immediate opportunity to grow and improve?

#1.) You’re pretending you don’t have control

I love this one because it immediately eliminates the notion that there is good or bad control.  Control is either something you’re in or out of.  We are in total control.  Even when we don’t feel like we are, we are.

As my boss, Grant Cardone is famous for saying, “nothing happens to you, it happens because of you.”

In the moments where you feel like you’re not in control, immediately focus on the things you do have control over and I say start with your breath.  Take a big deep breath right now.  In through nose, out through mouth.  That’s where you start.  Then move into how you’re choosing to see what’s happening and how you will respond.  Life is literally one big choose your adventure book.  You’re an infinite being having a temporary human experience.  Humans have one of it not the highest level of consciousness on the planet, we don’t react.  We respond and that response is a choice.

#2.)  You chronically (and unconsciously) focus on what you don’t want.

Chronic, regardless of what Snoop Dog would have you believe, means “persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.” And it’s important to recognize this part because what you focus on is what you create and where your attention goes is where the energy goes.

EXERCISE 2:  Take a look at a challenging part of your life right now (and listen, this is something we all struggle with, nobody is off the hook on this one).  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or an opportunity?  Because the more you focus on the problem, you’ll just get more of the problem. 

Do you know anyone who believes and says, that “nothing in my life works out for me?”  They’re getting exactly what they’re asking for and they don’t even know it.

When you redirect your full attention and energy at the opportunity and start focusing on what you’re creating everything changes, for the better.  This is why you need to put conscious attention on your goals every, single day.

#3.) You believe what your parents taught you about who you have to be in order to be “okay.”

I remember growing up I was taught to not talk to strangers, learn to take no for an answer, not to do business with family and friends, that money was scarce and hard to by and then I go into sales.  How screwed was I?

What we’re you taught as a kid that is definitely not serving you into adulthood?  If it’s not, it’s time to rewrite some of that programming.  Which leads perfectly into…

#4.) You aren’t willing to examine your beliefs and premises—about the world, life, other people, or yourself

If you’re not willing to confront your current beliefs and understand where they came from and how you arrived at these conclusions then maybe they’re not even your beliefs.  Question things.  Question everything.  Think critical not political.  The most successful people in the world have their own opinions.  They are called thought leaders for a reason.  You too can be a thought leader.

EXERCISE 3:  Make a list of your beliefs.  And since this is RichMansGym, list out what do believe about your body?  What do you believe about your mind and what is your belief about spirit?  Then answer, where did those beliefs come from?  Are they conclusions, decisions or agreements?  Who helped you with these beliefs?  Are they helping or hurting you right now?  Do you need to change them? 

#5.)  Fearing failure, you don’t act.

Let me just keep this short, simple and to the sweet point by dropping one of my favorite Grant Cardone quotes in here right now.  You’ll know exactly what to do if this fearing failure thing is keeping you from acting on your goals and dreams.

Action is the middle finger to doubt.”

-Grant Cardone

#6.) You’re focused on yourself and unaware of the needs—or the perspective—of other people.

One of the greatest lessons I learned from Wayne Dyer was that as long as you are lost in the service of others, you will always be on purpose.  In other words, stop making it all about you.  What can you do to have a positive impact others?  If what you’re doing in life is not quite matching up with what you said you wanted to be when you grow up, go get lost in the service of others and you will find yourself on purpose.  When you get lost in what’s wrong with your life, your just lost.   You become disinterested, board, angry and apathetic.  Put your attention on service instead.

#7.) You’re waiting for everything to be okay before you can be happy.

OK, last of the 7 reasons why your life sucks is that you’ve basically decided that happiness happens to you not because of you.  You can totally decide to be happy.  Why are you waiting for everything to be just right.  Guess what?  It’s never going to be just right.  Be happy anyway.

Yup, totally get it, easier said than done.  This is a work in progress.  Always will be.  In John 14:12, Jesus tells his disciples that after he is gone and with faith, they will be able to do greater things than Jesus did.  Which says to me that our limits only exist in our mind and most like we absorbed them, drew the wrong conclusion or someone taught us.

FINAL EXERCISE:  What are you “if only-ing” right now?  Why are you waiting for that to happen?  What’s the worst that could happen if you did it anyway?  What happens when you stay where you’re at?  Ideally, what would you like to have happen?  When do you want that to start?

FINAL THOUGHTS:  Top 7 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks

So there’s good news and bad news here.  Mostly good news assuming you chose to see it this way.  If you’re life sucks, it’s on you.  The good news is moving forward you can change your thoughts, decisions and actions and start creating your life instead of allowing life to just happen to you.