Characteristics of the Self Confident

Characteristics of the Self Confident

12 Characteristics of the Self Confident

From a post on X, Grant Cardone posted 12 characteristics of the self confident.  After listing them off he goes on to say, “None of these are learned in a book but discovered through doing. No one can give them to you, you can’t buy them or inherit them.”

Where’s your self confidence at currently?  If you were to rate your self confidence on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, where are you at?  If you’re at a 10, you can move on to the next post, but if you’re not, let’s take a look at all 12 characteristics of the self confident and see what we can do to get you there…

1. Courage

“the ability to do something that frightens one.”  The better we are at persevering despite fear, the more confidence we will have.

2. Curious

“eager to know or learn something.” Imagine if you approach all of life with a sense of curiosity and interest.  Especially the things you initially or inherently disagree with.

3. Authentic

“of undisputed origin; genuine.”  This is simple but not always easy.  Just be your unapologetic natural self.

4. Discipline

“a system of rules of conduct.”  Discipline picks up where motivation leaves off.  The strength to delay gratification for a greater good puts you in control of your life and will leave you with immense confidence.

5. Resilience

“the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”  Rocky put it best, let’s not mess with a good thing…
It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”

6. Self Aware

“having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings.”  Are you responding to life or just reacting?  Which one do you think would be better for you confidence?

7. Free Thinker

“forming your own opinions and beliefs rather than just accepting what is officially or commonly believed and taught.  ’nuff said

8. Self Starter

“a person who begins work or undertakes a project on his or her own initiative, without needing to be told or encouraged to do so.”  Is this you?  If so, we’re hiring!  LOL!

9. Self Respect

“pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity.”  This 100% must be earned and there’s no short cut, no hack, no pill or affirmation that will magically make this happen.

10. Independent

“free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority.”  This is the American way that Superman fights a never ending battle for.

11. Autonomous

“having the freedom to govern oneself or control one’s own affairs;  acting in accordance with one’s moral duty rather than one’s desires.”  Are you decisive and willing to live with the consequences because you are accomplished which leads us to…

12. Accomplished

“highly trained or skilled.”  Whatever your craft, trade, profession, are you working on it everyday?


Grab a note pad and write these 12 characteristics of the self confident down.  Earlier I ask you to rate your self confidence on a scale from 1-10, now I’d like you to do two things.

  1. DEFINE:  Go look up the definition and etymology of the word confidence and write down 3 things that strike you about the definition and etymology.
  2. REORDER:  Take a hard look at these 12 characteristics and find the one trait you need to work on the most and move that trait to the top of your list, then find the second trait you need to work on the most and then keep working down the list until you have YOUR list.
  3. DECIDE:  Self confidence comes from doing.  So make a decision about what activity you can DO to improve your levels of self confidence.  So for example if Self Awareness is your #1, what would be something you can do to become more self aware?  Give yourself a task for each of the 12.
  4. ACT:  You have your list and your tasks now.  The next thing to do is to take action.  Start!
Characteristics of the Self Confident

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