7 Simple Steps To Create More Success In Your Life
If you’re looking to create more success in your life, here are 7 simple steps you can take right now.
- Identify where you’re at and what’s happening.
- Set your target destination.
- Identify where you’re headed now.
- Start moving in the right direction. <also include study other success>
- Adjust course accordingly.
- Repeat 3,4, and 5 until your reach your destination.
- Set new target destination.
Now let’s go into the details of these 7 simple steps to create more success in your life.
ONE: Identify where you’re at and what’s happening.
This is the start of the journey. Imagine you’re getting ready to go on a road trip and you’re going somewhere you’ve never been before. You put your destination into Google Maps and before Google can plot out the course, it has to know where you’re at. Nothing can happen without this data. Where are you at? What’s going on in your life right now? Are there things you need to change? Is there something missing? What is the current condition of your body, mind and spirit? Where are you?
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: Take some time today to answer those questions and reflect on where you are. Get a notepad or a journal and take some time to reflect on and identify your current state.]
TWO: Set your target destination
What did you learn from the Evolution Exercise? If it turns out you’re not where you want to be, and I suspect you’re not, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, where would you rather be?
These are your goals and your dreams we’re talking about. First question I have for us here is, are they big enough? Are they big enough to compel you to take the massive action necessary to reach the destination?
To maintain your enthusiasm, you have to make your goals substantial enough that they keep your attention. Average and realistic goals are almost always a letdown to the person setting them—who is then unable to fuel his or her goals with the actions necessary.” -The 10X Rule | Grant Cardone
As most of you know, I’ve been following Grant Cardone since 2003 and came to work with him in 2011. One thing that I’ve repeatedly learned over the years is that I’m STILL not thinking big enough. Most of aren’t.
What if you 10X’ed your goals? Remember we’re creating more success in our lives so this is your current destination. Now multiply it by 10. Whatever that goal is, 10X it. And now just sit with it. Let’s say your goal is to take a month off and travel through Europe? What if you 10X that? That would 10 months instead of 1 and let’s tour the planet instead of just Europe. DO NOT get all caught up in the how either. Right now, how is none of your business. What’s most important right now if you giving yourself permission AGAIN, to dream big, think big and now act big.
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: In your journal, write down your current goals right now. Now multiply it by 10. And now just sit with it. Don’t worry about how, instead allow the possibility to flourish.]
THREE: Identify where you’re headed now.
Did you know that a plane is off course 90% of the time? If fact if a plane veers off course just 1%, without course correction, it will miss its targeted landing spot by 92 feet for every mile you fly. ‘Frisco to NYC is 2900 miles. Times 92 feet. You’ll miss NYC by 266,800 feet.
The reason I’m bringing this up should be obvious at this point but are you doing the right things at the right volume to get you where you want to be?
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: Are you on the right course? In your notebook identify the course your on currently and where you’ll wind up if you stay on this current course.]
FOUR: Start moving in the right direction.
If you’re off course, get your @$$ back on course. Also, remind yourself that you’re not alone on this journey.
Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mind-sets of successful people, and you will create success for yourself. -Grant Cardone
Look, if what you know now is not getting you where you want to be then the simple answer is there are things you don’t know. Anywhere there is lack, there is also a lack of knowledge and knowingness. No weight loss means there’s something about weight loss you don’t know. No money equals lack of knowledge about money. You need to better information and the right knowledge and one of the best places to get that is to study people who have already done what you’re trying to do.
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: Who do you know who’s already accomplished what you’re working towards (notice I didn’t say “trying”)? Study them. How did they do it? What did they do that you can duplicate? Dedicate as many pages in your journal as needed.]
FIVE: Adjust course accordingly.
I think Ice Cube said it best but you know the rest. Go back to the airplane for a second. Wind, weather, turbulence. All sorts of stuff can get a plane off course. What kind of stuff can get you off course? Number one, be aware of it and then number two, insulate yourself against it. There will be speed bumps along the road to success. Don’t let the news media, doubters, naysayers, toxic people, quitters, haters take you off course. And they will try.
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: Get ahead of it. In your notebook, write out your possible distractions that could take you off course so you’re prepared to handle it.]
SIX: Repeat 3,4, and 5 until your reach your destination
Remember the trench run in Star Wars? Stay on target… Stay on target! Identify where you’re headed now. Start moving in the right direction. Study other successful people (keep skilling up) and adjust course accordingly. Repeat these actions until you reach your goal. Which also means you must keep these goals top of mind at all times.
[EVOLUTION EXERCISE: How will you keep your goals top of mind? Grant Cardone says write your goals down at least twice a day. First thing in the morning and right before bed. I challenge you to make this commitment to yourself and your future self.]
SEVEN: Set a new target destination.
Once you get there, now what? It’s time for a new destination, a new target, a new goal, a new mission. Celebrate your accomplishment but don’t dwell in success. Reset and start on the next thing. Look at Clint Eastwood for a second. 94 years old and on imdb he’s just finished directing his 46th movie. How? He’s on purpose, doing what he loves and in a constant state of creation.
You’re made in the image of a divine creator. And since duplicating successful actions is in and of itself a successful action, it would make since then to duplicate the most successful action made by the most successful being.
[FINAL EVOLUTION EXERCISE: Assume for a moment you’ve reached your destination. What would you do next? What would be the most natural next thing? Start journalling on that now. Don’t wait]
Conclusion: 7 Simple Steps To Create More Success In Your Life.
OK, so what’s the plan again?
- Identify where you’re at and what’s happening.
- Set your target destination.
- Identify where you’re headed now.
- Start moving in the right direction. <also include study other success>
- Adjust course accordingly.
- Repeat 3,4, and 5 until your reach your destination.
- Set new target destination.
And with that I’ll leave you with one more 10X quote from Grant Cardone.
Have goals so big, your problems pale in comparison.”
Let me know in comments how this helps and how your going to implement what you’ve learned here today. Make sure you do the evolution exercises so you can really dial in these steps and most importantly, take action on your goals! Don’t wait for the right moment because the right moment is right now.