Jason Statham Inspired Workout: Minimalist Fitness

Jason Statham Inspired Workout: Minimalist Fitness What Would Jason Statham Do? A No Frills Rich Man's Gym Workout Routine

WWJSD? What Would Jason Statham Do?

Is is possible to get into shape like Jason Statham without going to the gym to workout?

OK, here’s the scenario:

You don’t have a gym membership (for whatever reason) but you do have workout equipment.  Maybe you have some kettlebells, elite rings or a TRX, a medicine ball, a plyometric box, maybe you have some dumbbells and club bells too, and of course a chest expander.

Basically, you got equipment that resembles a gym from early 1900’s!

For me, I don’t have a gym membership because I actually prefer to train like it is 1911 AND I like training outside within nature.

For you, your reasons are your own, but I will tell you this. You don’t necessarily need to hit the gym to get in a great workout, loose fat or build muscle.  If you’re looking to Squat 500 pounds or be a professional bodybuilder, probably a good idea to go to the gym. But, if you’re in need of a workout to get in the best shape of your life and would rather do that in the garage or the local park read on…  this will be a “gym free” routine.

Next question: why the title?  Why Jason Statham Inspired Workout?

Remember, the Scenario is this: You are limited to what nature and God has provided you.  You only have 1 Kettlebell and a some kind of suspension training devise but you need to workout…

The Question is: What Would Jason Statham Do?

The Theories Behind The Routine

  1. Variety and Consistency all in one. As you’ve probably heard, “muscle-confusion” is a term used by many to describe a style of training that keeps your body guessing and never really able to fully adapt and achieve any kind of homeostasis. This is good for fat loss and conditioning. Where it can fall short is that there is a higher potential for injury and it’s hard to track any real progress because everything is constantly changing. So you’re sore but are you getting stronger, faster, more agile, etc? So, how do you solve that? Elementary! We’re going to do the exact same thing only differently!
  2. Metabolic Boost. This routine will focus on strength and conditioning. This is a one-two punch that will shred, rip, melt and if you’re lucky pack on a couple extra pounds in all the right places assuming you’re not eating like you’re in Morgan Spurlock documentary. The training you’re about to endure will be circuit and interval based with the intention to get the heart rate up and muscles working.

A few words of advice/caution.

Study proper form and solid technique before attempting these drills. The reason for them being here is to challenge you to stretch your strength capacity and since you don’t have an Olympic Barbell Set, there’s no option for heavy dead lifts and overhead pressing, so we’re going with the next best thing which is very difficult body weight and kettlebell drills.

For the Bottoms Up TGU, make sure you can do a regular TGU first, so if you’re a beginner learn this drill with no weight, then add weight, then turn the bell upside down. So there you go, beginning, intermediate and advanced.

For the Pistol, same deal. Go as low as you can, if that means you sit back slightly over the couch and hold it for a second, so be it. Go as low as you can without falling on your backside and then back up.

Use good judgment always and NEVER COMPETE FOR SPACE WITH A KETTLEBELL*. Kettlebell wins every time.

*Pavel said that!

Round Four: 20 Minutes of Hating My Guts

For this portion of the Jason Statham Inspired Workout, we are now going to transition into what some call circuit training. Others call it a complex. I call it simply hard work, hence the sub-title, 20 minutes of hating my guts . We’re looking for consistency and variety. Very yen-yangy and taoist, I know but trust me when I tell you, it’s a good thing and if you commit to this program for 6 weeks, you’ll be thanking me.

So, based on your current experience and fitness level I will provide two options. 1 WITH a Kettlebell and 1 Without. Fair enough?  And we’ll throw in a hybrid version to go with.

OK, so move from one exercise to the next and try to keep the rest between drills to 30 to 60 seconds a piece. Set a timer for 20 minutes and get as much work done as you can in those 20 minutes.