How to Make a Keto Friendly Peppermint Mocha
Coffee addicts of the world unite! Who doesn’t like a little variety to their coffee? Now mind you, I’m the first guy in line when it comes time to defend Dr Dennis Leary in the 90’s wanting just a coffee flavored coffee drink. Literally first in line. That being said, it’s cold out, maybe it’s the Christmas season or at least winter and you’re looking for something sweet and minty to go with your cold day BUT you’re doing Keto or you just don’t want to 16oz of Type-II diabetes in a cup.
What’s the solution to a Keto Friendly Peppermint Mocha?
I came up with this myself after a little experimenting while looking for ways to handle a stuffy nose versus a deviated septum. I had caught a cold and found that 3 drops on the tongue of raw peppermint oil did wonders for opening air ways. And then within seconds I thought, what if I just put this into a drink like say…. coffee or green tea? Boom! Off and running…
Keto Friendly Peppermint Mocha Recipe:
- 12oz Coffee
- 1-3 drops pure peppermint oil (based on your preference)
- 1 tablespoon Mocha Flavored MCT
- 1 teaspoon Lakanto Golden Monk Fruit Sweetener
- 1 tablespoon heavy cream
Stir it up and enjoy it with no disruption at all to your personal glycemic index. LOL!
Additionally, what if you’re looking to reduce your caffeine intake and are looking for a “half-caff” option. On the first recipe, if you’re looking for decaf, go for it. We might not be able to stay friends, but that’s neither here nor there…
Keto Friendly 1/2 Caff Peppermint Mocha Recipe
This one is similar but goes really well at night if you’re looking for an after dinner thing or night by the fire kinda mood. We’re going to 86 the MCT oil and most of the coffee and sub in Pure Ground Cacao Beans. My personal preference is Crio Bru Uber Dark Spanish Roast. So same idea only brew half coffee and half cacao. Gives it a nice rich mocha flavor. Add the peppermint, monk fruit, and heavy cream and your good to go. Or…. you can do a full Bulletproof thing with this where you do coconut oil, grass fed butter and the peppermint oil flash blended which comes out CRAZY rich. (Video’s will be forth coming… just so you know)
Do you have your own recipe? Leave a comment below with yours or if you try this yourself how’d it go?