Dan Millman talking with Lewis Howes about his latest book The Hidden School
5 Quotes From Dan Millman’s The Hidden School
The Hidden School by Dan Millman is the latest installment in the Peaceful Warrior Series. I have read and enjoyed them all. The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior is one of five books I recommend to everyone. The “book that changes lives” did just that for me and was a powerful tool for me in 2007 as I took control back from alcohol and depression.
As I read The Hidden School, I highlighted, underlined and noted key parts that spoke to me. What I found most beneficial was that here we see the warrior out on his own. He is left to his devices, his intuition to sort through the quest he has found himself on. At some point, the warrior must stand alone and let the knowledge they’ve been entrusted with do it’s job.
As in the martial arts, the coach will be on the side line, but it’s you on the mat, in the ring or cage. In The Hidden School, we see Dan in the ring. I’ve isolated 5 lines or quotes that hit me the hardest. When you read The Hidden School, you most likely will get a different 5. We are all on our path, our journey and the experience will be completely unique.
My 5 Quotes From The Hidden School:
I’m going to give you the 5 first, then spend a little time on each. Settling on just 5 was pretty hard, by the way, but here we go.
- Whenever you want to do something, you have to do something else first.
- You have all the time you need until you run out.
- When on a long trek, it’s OK to quit whenever you like, as long as your feet keep moving.
- Comparison is a form of suffering.
- In-breath and out-breath, reception and release. Inspiration, inhaling spirit. Exhalation, letting go. Again and again, I turned my attention back to the breath, only the breath…
ONE: Whenever you want to do something, you have to do something else first.
How often have you gone to a task, started after a goal, began something only to realize that before you can do that or even start, there is something else that must be done? For me, the warrior spirit says prepare. It says, “warm up.” No true warrior goes into anything totally cold. Look at a boxer or MMA fighter. Before the fight, what are they doing? Getting their mind and their body right. This should be a daily practice. How do you start your day? At work, how do you start your shift? In fact, how do you start anything? How you start will impact how you finish.
TWO: You have all the time you need until you run out.
There’s really only one right time to do something. When you’re trying to figure out when to start and when you’re struggling with the odds against you it becomes very tempting to just wait. Unfortunately it also becomes incredibly easy to add time to a decision. Nobody likes making a mistake. But when it comes time to answer the life changing questions, there is only one right answer. When should I start that new business? What is the right time to invest in real estate? When should I call that boy? What’s the best time to tell my parents I don’t want to be a lawyer? The answer is simple. The time is now. Right. Now.
THREE: When on a long trek, it’s OK to quit whenever you like, as long as your feet keep moving.
This one might be the favorite. In recent years I have caught the running bug. An activity that I never thought I’d get in to. But low and behold, I love it. What I love most about it is the mental war that rages in my head. The war between two factions. One is the Keep Goings and the other is the It’s OK To Stop Now. These two battle it out whether it’s just a mile run or a 13.1 half marathon. Here’s the short version. Set a target. Any target. Start moving towards that target. Do not stop until target is reached. Running is a great way to exercise the Keep Goings and also practice handling the It’s OK To Stop Now crew.
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'” – Muhammad Ali
FOUR: Comparison is a form of suffering.
There is only one person you should compare yourself to. You. The real you. The potential you. For many we don’t even come close to comprehending how powerful we really are. What Mike or Barbara is doing has no bearing on you. What are you doing? Are you living up to your full potential? To compare yourself to others is to minimize yourself and is to accept someone else’s program of what you are and what you are capable of doing, being and having.
You can’t be like Mike. You’re not going to be like Barbara. You can only be you. No the choice becomes, how much of you are you going to be?
FIVE: In-breath and out-breath, reception and release. Inspiration, inhaling spirit. Exhalation, letting go. Again and again, I turned my attention back to the breath, only the breath…
Not a whole lot to say about this other than ALWAYS return to the breath. The breath is life. It deserves your attention. Not just when you’re all out of sorts. In fact, making breathwork a daily thing most likely will reduce if not virtually eliminate all alleged stress in your life. Take 5 minutes every day to just sit and breath. Focus on inhaling positive energy and exhaling (letting go) of negativity.
Wrapping Up
Should you read The Hidden School? Yes. Should you read the books leading up this book first? Probably. Will you find other insightful and meaningful quotes of your own? Totally. If you’ve already read it, make sure to drop a comment below and let me know your favorite quote and what you got from the book.
Hi Dan: We met through the internet when it first started a few decades ago. I made your book, the Ancient Mariner required reading for my son. We traded your books for my pull-up handles that I use to sell in my San Marcos, CA office. I am now retired from practicing chiropractic, but I still respect your work. Warm Regards and be good to your back.