My 3 Favorite Books
Jesse Itzler wants to know what my 3 favorite books are! This is part of the #WeDoHardStuff challenge for July. This month, in addition to some pretty intense physical challenges, there will be a few academic ones. Why? Well, to catch you up real quick, Itzler’s dropping challenges, complete the challenges, he’s kicking down serious coin for charity. Each month is a new charity. This month, it’s the Malala Fund (watch the video). The Malala Fund is focused on helping girls go to school and raise their voices for the right to education.
Since we’re on an educational theme theme this month, one of this months non-physical challenges is #ReadingList. “Post your 3 favorite books for the group.” So without further to do…
My 3 Favorite Books
Only 3???? That’s the hardest part. Narrowing it down to just 3. Then there’s the obvious elephant in the room here. Living With A SEAL is in my top 10 list and is rather an obvious choice all things considered, so I am going to look at 3 of my OTHER favorite books. These are books, like Living With A SEAL, that have literally altered the course of my life, molded me into a different, better human and raised my spirit higher.
The Power Of Intention: Wayne Dyer
There are books that change your life and then there are books that change your life. Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention, changed my life. I grew up in a very Catholic household and to some degree, still identify with it. The definition of the word catholic means “including a wide variety of things; all-embracing.” By that definition and when it comes to my relationship with God, I’m very catholic. This book is also very catholic.
The subtitle of The Power of Intention is, “Learning to Co-Create Your World, Your Way.” I didn’t fully grasp the implications of the subtitle for many years. And I think the best way to sum up the book is with a quote from the poet Rumi. “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
I first experienced this book in 2006 and took a very deep dive into in 2007. It played a huge role in my awakening, my recovery and my continued sobriety (you can read about that adventure HERE). I still reference it frequently and recommend to any and all who would like to deepen their relationship with their higher power and learn how to more at cause in their life.
[ATTN AGNOSTICS AND ATHEISTS: If you’re not religious, read this book anyway. I totally get it, monstrosities have been done in the name of God and science hasn’t shown me any evidence either. This book isn’t about that god. This book is about the God you and U2 have been looking for.]
The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior: Dan Millman
Dan Millman’s book The Way of The Peaceful Warrior showed up in my life right on time. I was fighting to get back on course. I had drifted. The Power of Intention had truly helped me on my road to recovery and in that book, Dr Dyer references The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior and I loved the paradoxical title so it just made since to read it. In this classic coming of age story with a guru and a student, there are several note worthy quotes, but to help you better understand how it helped me, here’s this:
“When you become fully responsible for your life, you can become fully human; once you become human, you may discover what it means to be a warrior.”
This book also epitomizes what Rich Man’s Gym is all about…
Rich Man’s Gym is dedicated to strength of body, mind and spirit. We train for a strong body, mind and spirit from the outside in. Through development of the body and by challenging our physical limits we push through our own mental road blocks and we forge our mind, spirit and will. By pressing forward and learning to trust in the higher powers. To re-connect our spirit with the Universal Source of all energy and life.
Sell Or Be Sold: Grant Cardone
Sales. The lifeblood of any economy. The skill set that will guarantee you’ll never be out of work. Sales and selling is a skill. And the skills taught in this book took my from barely surviving in sales to thriving. The material in Sell Or Be Sold by Grant Cardone is the new evolution of sales. There is no “old-school” tactics, tricks or manipulation. Sell Or Be Sold doesn’t use awkward sales synonyms like persuasion or influence. It doesn’t hide. Grant Cardone is honest, raw and removes all the mystery from the skill of sales and selling.
If you’re looking for an appropriate synonym for sales, it’s communication. Sell Or Be Sold taught me how to communicate with people. And that starts with listening first, hearing someone’s point of view, understanding it and then you can talk. Sales is about service. It’s about help. And sales is one skill you must have to accomplish your goals and dreams.
“Selling is the act of giving, not getting; serving, not selling. Unfortunately, most people in sales are looking for their commission and what they’re going to get out of the deal rather than what they’re going to give, what their product really offers, and how the client will benefit.” –Grant Cardone
My 3 Favorite Books: Honorable Mentions
Again, limiting this to just 3 is pure evil. Here’s a few more of my favorites in no particular order….
- Relentless by Tim Grover
- The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R Covey
- Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsh
- Excuses Begone by Wayne Dyer
- Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink / Lief Baban
- If You’re Not First You’re Last by Grant Cardone
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
Would love to see your top 3 in the comments below…