Pruvit Keto//OS Review 365 days later

Pruvit:  Keto//OS Review 365 days later About a year ago I started a journey with Keto//OS.  In February of 2016, I kicked sugar to the curb on an extreme level.  At least extreme for our generation.  In a world where carbs and sugar are literally sanctioned by the government and mainstream medicine as the body’s Read More …

Supplemental Ketones And Bi-Polar

What about Supplemental Ketones And Bi-Polar? David Bradley talks about the experiences using supplemental ketones and the Keto//OS product from Pruvit.  Initially we see someone who went in looking for the performance and physique benefits that so many people, myself included, have experienced, but in this interview we find out very quickly that there were Read More …

Migraines Cured with Ketones?

Migraines Cured with Ketones? Is it possible that there is literally a cure for migraines that “Big Pharma” would just rather not have you know about?  Meaning, if you just made this one switch, your chronic migraines would minimize significantly or better yet, just go away.  If you’ve ever suffered a migraine or worse, suffer Read More …

Bourne Again: The Jason Bourne Workout at Rich Man’s Gym

The Jason Bourne Workout at Rich Man’s Gym Why this is my story and maybe yours.  While I’m not a super soldier black opp modern day ninja bad ass, I am in my 40’s.  What’s important about this story is that you have a man with miles on his body and a few injuries (shoulder and back Read More …

Exogenous Ketones: How to Pruvit on the cheap

Exogenous Ketones on a budget Exogenous Ketones are entering the supplement world and in my honest opinion has the potential to be the next creatine.  The challenge comes in with how do you take it and not break your bank?  For many, it’s the most they’ve ever spent on a supplement. So, here’s what I’m Read More …