What happens to your body when you walk for 24 hours straight?
Death March vs Life March: Rich Man’s Gym founder David Bradley talks with Jason Chambers about his experience with a 24 hour death march. Jason walked for 24 hours non stop. He learned many lessons and gained a whole new awareness of self.
Jason talks about what happened at the seven hour mark and when his mind started trying to talk him out of it. He also gets into how to ally “one step at a time” to everyday living. Jason also goes into compounding interest and how that applies to staying motivated and focused. Kind of like a snowball effect. His comments on consistency and the importance of finishing are well worth the listen. Jason and I got deep on the idea of complete the mission and how valuable it is to finish what you start. Doesn’t matter if that’s a walk for 24 hours straight or simply an email. The more you finish, the better you feel about yourself.
Connect with Jason Chambers: https://www.facebook.com/jasonchamber…
Some of the charities and companies mentioned:
Rich Man’s Gym: https://richmansgym.com/
Stop Smoking: http://www.stopdontquit.com/
Grant Cardone: http://cardonesolutions.com/
Liam’s Life: http://liamslife.org/
American Dream U: http://americandreamu.org/
City Of Hope: https://www.cityofhope.org/homepage