10X Health Tips: Natural Ways to Boost Your Mental Wellness


10X Health Tips: Natural Ways to Boost Your Mental Wellness

Recently my friends over at 10X Health sent out an email with some tips on natural ways to boost your mental wellness.  The last few years have been an extreme burden on everyone’s mental wellness.  It doesn’t matter what side of the isle your on either.  If there’s one thing we call agree on, the last few years have been hard for everyone.  If you feel like you’re stuck in the grinder of life and not living your best life every day, let’s do something about it and it starts with the basics; the fundamentals.

Fun-da-mentals.  Remember, fundamental means foundation.  The thing you build on.  But let’s also make getting your mentals right fun.

So let’s take a look here at these tips from 10X Health from the Rich Man’s Gym perspective and see how we can incorporate these into our daily lives.

Natural Ways to Boost Your Mental Wellness

  • Get more sunlight
  • Spend more time with nature
  • Move your body more
  • Sleep better
  • Connect with everybody

Let’s break these down now and go a little deeper on each one…

FIRST:  Get more sunlight

Never would I ever suggest taking a LiverKing level approach to this one.  I like Gary Brecka’s approach just fine and this costs absolutely nothing.  Find a way to get morning sunlight.  Yes, this is easier said then done for many of us but the benefits to your mental and overall well-being are worth it.  Benefits include positive reset of your Circadian Rhythm, increasing Vitamin D production and hormone regulations.

NEXT:  Spend more time with nature & move your body more

This is all about Rich Man’s Gym right here.  In fact, let’s combine these tips into one segment because you can drive 10+ minutes both ways to the gym to get on the treadmill for 45 minutes OR you can just step outside and go for a walk.  And if you’re going to drive, why not head over to a local park, take your shoes off and throw them in the lake and then go running up that hill in the cool grass or head down to the beach and do barefoot sprint work in the sand.

[SIDE NOTE:  Apparently, connecting your very electrical human body to the Earth’s natural electrical charge through Earthing or Grounding has a whole slew of benefits]

Trade the treadmill and stationary bike for hiking boots and a mountain bike and go get connected to Mother Earth.  And while your at it, make sure you’re challenging yourself.  Remember, Rich Man’s Gym is about strength & conditioning for body, mind and spirit.  You want challenges that push your current limits because when you do, when you stress yourself like this, the other stress, the bad stress becomes more manageable, you feel better over all and you become more productive.

FOURTH THING:  Sleep better

I’m going to take “no brainers” for $1000 Alex.  Your body repairs itself during sleep.  Remember, you don’t build muscle at the gym.  You build muscle in the kitchen and in your sleep.  Your body repairs itself when you’re at rest.  If you’re wellness is not well, better sleep could fix a lot of that all by itself.  Some things I might do before bed to help that will be breath work and prayer.  Reading inspiring positive fiction.  Writing my goals and dreams down.  Drinking an herbal tea infused with chamomile and kava.  Listening to music that puts your brain in the right state for sleep.  However you do it, make sure you give yourself the opportunity to get good quality sleep.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  Connect with everybody

In fact, let’s go a step further, you want to boost your mental wellness, look for ways to leave everyone you encounter, better than you found them.  Create positive healthy relationships with people.  Look out, extrovert yourself.  What happens when you get all hyper focused on ourself and what’s wrong and introverted?  It’s a black hole.  Take your attention off of what’s wrong and start looking for what you can do to make things right.  And that starts with paying attention to the people around you and how you can improve their condition.  If that get’s more of your attention that what’s wrong in your life, I promise you, what is wrong will begin to right itself.

The Wrap Up

Remember, this is about you adding a boost to your mental wellness.  Your body, mind and spirit are one.  They are all incredibly responsive and adaptable.  When you implement these positive changes, the world around you gets better too.  So go out there and get more sunlight, connect with nature and exercise in nature more often, give yourself the gift of quality sleep and look to leave everyone better than you find them.  Imagine what the world could be like if we all did these things on the regular.  The good news it, change starts with you!

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