Discover the Top 3 Remarkable Benefits of Collagen Protein for Your Health

Discover the Top 3 Remarkable Benefits of Collagen Protein for Your Health

If you are searching for a natural way to enhance your overall well-being, look no further! In today’s post, we’re deep diving into the world of nutrition and wellness to unveil the top three incredible benefits of collagen protein. Whether you’re aiming for glowing skin, strong joints, or increased vitality, collagen protein might just be the game-changer you’ve been seeking. Read More …

The Parable of the Donkey and the Tiger (How to argue with people on social media)

When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.

So the question I have for you and have been asking myself a lot is, who am I talking to right now?  Is this a donkey?  Am I the donkey?  Don’t be this tiger.  Remember what the lion said, “it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass.” Read More …

LiveGood Organic Super Reds Full Review

Why LiveGood Organic Super Reds I’m going to go over why LiveGood Organic Super Reds is a great pre-workout mix and even if you’re not looking for a boost to your workout, why this is something you should be taking on the daily.  PLUS, we’ll be talking about why this product is the best bang for your buck even if you don’t have a LiveGood membership. Read More …

CrossFit’s Linda Pays A Visit To Rich Man’s Gym

CrossFit’s Linda Pays A Visit To Rich Man’s Gym What is CrossFit’s “Linda”? Linda has 3 movements in a circuit with a descending rep scheme.  It has a Deadlift Horizontal Press and Clean The Reps descend as follows: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 For the purest out there the weight requirements are 1.5 x bodyweight on the deadlift, 1x Read More …